My Scroll
Hello visitor: Before you pursue on reading I want to tell you a couple of things. This was written a long time ago. Things have changed a bit theologically since then. This essay is difficult to read for some people because it questions many ingrained beliefs in Christianity. I want to assure you that it is not meant in hate at all. I do not hate Christians, I hate doers of evil. I believe there is righteousness in every group or faith. This essay has to be read with an open mind. It is not dogmatic although the wording is very strong. It is my style. If you choose to read it I ask you that you do it with a total open mind. It is a testimony of someone who took an incorrect path in life, someone who learned the hard way and someone who wants to share what he believes in. In Love and Friendship to all
For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. [Isaiah 62:1]
I don’t know about you or if you have ever wondered, but as for me, I am sick and tired of being told stories that are not easy to understand or that are also known as dogmas of faith. After a long and painful process I have learned to question every belief and to try to understand everything with reason. That is why I have decided to write this. I believe deep in my heart that the things of God have been given to us in a way that would make sense to a person that has studied and will use all the knowledge he has obtained in order to have full comprehension.
I will, in this new endeavour, to try to use a new lamp that has never been lighted before. The lamp of reason and logic. It will bring to our discussion a new understanding of the reality of God and of His Uniqueness, it will give a better understanding of the existence and purpose of Satan and the reality of the man with the Greek and Roman name. This is a long discussion, one that will seem crazy at times and one that will not, in any way, accept any pre-conceived notion of the things of God. It is a new understanding and as such, I expect it will be at least read and thought. I know that there must be other people that like me, are inmersed in a true fanatism that does not let them live their lives. It is my hope that these words will help them overcome this major problem.
Life in the XXIst century has become a stressful and full of obligations existence. Some of us cry thinking of what the reality of a relationship with God would bring to our being. Also we see that the Kingdom of Israel is surrounded by enemies all throughout it’s borders. If we truly know the purpose of our creator and we see that the Kingdom of Priests is threatened in it’s conception and reality and then we in fact feel sorrow for this land and it’s people.
The truth is that this new century brings with itself a huge amount of science and reason. The question is then: why don’t we apply reason to understand the things of God and forget to apply dogmas for such understanding? Simply because we don’t dare. We stand full of fear of being sent to Hell. I don’t think though that God would have given us a mind of our own and then make us believe things that do not make sense.
I write in simple english for very obvious reasons.
First of all I would like to tell you my story. Like many others, this is just a story of a young man, one that has existed for only 30 years as of now. My story will only give you a better understanding into why I have come to the conclusions I expose in this thesis.
This is my story. The findings are mine and no person alive or dead has shown them to me. I have discovered what you are about to read (if you choose to pursue it) a truth that is for me. I will not respect some of the established thoughts in this world. I dare to do it because this truth has set me free and it allows me to become someone who is free in his thinking and in his way of acting.
I grew up catholic. I was 100% sure and had been taught by my mother that JesusChrist was my heroe. I took the necessary paths that were important to me to try to follow him anywhere he commanded me to go. But there were so many things about him that I couldn’t concile with the true meaning of my life. I had my first communion and attended Christian school prior to that. We were taught many things, things that seemed logical at that time. The “Saviour” of the Christians was a poor fellow who preached things like turning our other cheek to our enemy, that the poor people were to inherit the kingdom of heaven and that it was wrong to be successful, even that money was an enemy of righteousness. I was young then and I followed the teachings to the point. I was scared of not going to mass every sunday because I had been taught that that consisted in a mortal sin and if I were to die, my sin would be brought when I was to be judged. I attended Mass with that in mind but nevertheless I enjoyed it because it meant learning the things of God. Or at least that is what I thought.
Back when I was 16 years old I became what is known to be a “Born again Christian”. I knew at that time that JesusChrist was far more complicated for us to understand. I completely understood the importance of destroying all the paganism in my life and yet keeping JesusChrist as the cornerstone of my faith. I knew it was important to keep the way of thinking and believing the way he had taught us. Forgiving others, giving one’s own cheek one more time, loving everyone, even our own enemies, to lose ones place for another, to be servant to others and to believe that trying was enough even if one didn´t win. These were ideas that seemed good but these things were not truthful in my life or in my true being. I was being hypocritical and furthermore I was believing in a God other than Hashem.
I went to Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. I separated then from the things of God and concentrated in campus leadership as well as in my Fraternity, Phi Gamma Delta. I learned a lot of important things then. I learned what now I truly believe is my essence. I found true friendships then and excelled in everything I was a part of. Our “religion” then was friendship, truthfulness and brotherhood. Something that had never been taught to me while I was growing up. I understood really what brotherhood meant and what true loyalty and love really mean.
When I graduated from college I moved to Chicago. I worked for TDK, the cassette manufacturer. During this time I came back to a “Born Again Christian” church and I devoted all of my time attending it’s functions. Again I was brought back to the old ideas of Christianity but now I had the opportunity of combining success with spiritual activities. I also started attending a Messianic Congregation. The Messianic groups are those believers in Jesus as the Messiah of the Jewish people. I found very good friends in these churches but I also was taught again not the things of God but the things of men and the teachings of Paul and Peter. I became a fanatic and suddenly started feeling persecuted by evil forces. I had to go to the hospital because of this fanatism and soon was back in Mexico having lost everything I had worked for.
This time was the most difficult I have ever gone through. I never understood why Jesus, my idol, who I had served faithfully, was treating me this way. I felt lost and wanted to kill myself. I did not understand anything and this pushed me truly away from Christianity and fanatism. After 2 years of deppression and sadness I started questioning the scriptures, specially those of the New Testament. I started reading the Tanach and found that the truth was not in the existence of JesusChrist but in the One and only true God. I found that the truth is in the One true God and not in a trinity. I found that I was being idolatrous worshiping Jesus Christ instead of God. I also found that the idea of the trinity was foreign to my understanding of God and specially against many of the teachings of the “Old Testament” or better yet, the Original Testament. I also discovered the truth behind arrogant people like Peter and Paul. I discovered that Hashem wanted to communicate to me and to all the people through his word and spirit and it was up to us to listen to Him and not to any other entity. This took me out of my deppression and fanatism. Now I am confident that the Lord of Hosts is there for me and as a father will try to spoil me and all who search for Him and His truths.
When I started questioning christianity and its teachings, I was fortunate to be involved in two intellectual spiritual movements. I learned about the Noahides, the oldest covenant with God the world has ever known and also I learned about Druidism. These two philosophies or ways of seeing the world and the things of God have prompted me to be finally happy, understanding a God who is present throughout the world, whose existence is felt in nature and who needs us to bring sacrifices to the temple with thanksgiving, one God who wants to spoil us and wants us to just acknowledge him. God wants the third temple to be rebuilt in the Holy City of Jerusalem Now. We must focus on working to achieve this goal.
My findings are just result of a path of reason and logic and true faith in the One and Only God. I hope that this new way of seeing things will deliver all of you readers from the burden of following a religion of hypocrisy as christianity and many other are. Please be aware however that you need to be open minded to search deep in your heart if what you are about to read does apply to you and your spirit.
These are just my findings. I know that some of these ideas could be difficult to understand if the reader has not discovered the truth for him/herself. However it is my hope that the ideas expressed in this essay will invite the readers to question their beliefs.
I stand for truth. It is truth that has allowed me to understand the reality of God and the goodness of his being. I am ready to die for these ideas.
Peter the true Traitor
It was difficult to find myself lost after I had been really hurt by the so called Christianity. This prompted me to analyze some of the most important figures of Christianity.
Using my mind (something that christians have forgotten to do) and logic, I analized the figures of the famous “New Testament”. The first thing I asked myself was: What does a fisherman do to the fishes? The answer to this question is obvious: A Fisherman kills and eats the fishes. Well, what if we took this idea and transported it to the figure of Peter who was a Fisherman of Men according to Jesus. Wouldn’t that mean in itself that Peter was in fact a Murderer of People?
This analysis took me deep into the figure of Peter in the New Testament. This was the first question I asked myself and it took me through a path that few people have really questioned. I started a Biblical investigation taking Peter as a figure that stood for falsehood. It was really amazing what I found. Being a true esceptic and taking away all the “holiness” of this character I was able to find that in reality this person was one of murder, falsehood, sloth, hypocrisy as well as a stupid lowlife who hates science and nobility, one that always wanted the easy way out, one that cheats.
I consider this new way of seeing things as if I were using a lamp, one that has never been lighted before, first of all catholics cannot touch the figure of Peter because he was the founder of their church, the Jewish people don’t know about him, the Pentecostals follow a religion based on the Holy Spirit (a concept that will be analized further ahead) and the Christians think that everything read in the Bible is to be followed right to the point.
Using this lamp we are able to see reality. And the reality is that this person Peter was what I have exposed before. This of course has never been discussed in the religious circles because certainly Peter was the “founder of the church” and certainly he had to be holy. But seriously, if we are to analyze the scriptures directly we will find that everywhere this person is mentioned, he is mentioned commiting a sin to the laws of our Lord (And notice that our Lord is not Jesus but Hashem)
At first, when I first made this analysis, I was under the impression that Jesus was the Messiah. I found out that the only apostle that denied Jesus was Peter. And not only did he deny him once, he denied him three times and worst of all, in front of a maid. Furthermore, Peter thinks that because he was a witness of Jesus he deserved all the royalty of the Kingdom of God. In fact Jesus had told him that the keys would be given to him (interesting because these keys of the Kingdom were not Jesus’ to give out but only to our Father).
If we examine the scriptures we can realize that Peter is commiting a sin in every place he is mentioned. Jesus himself calls him Satan and he always acts according to his own convenience. Peter always showed his interest in being the favorite follower and he never acts as a servant. In fact all of the Gospel writers do tell about Peter’s denial. The four gospel writers talk about the betrayal of Peter. Peter did not understand really what their master had shown him. He did not care about the law, in fact, he considered himself above the law despite the fact that his master had shown him otherwise. He was tempted by spirits of falsehood to eat forbidden foods and he does it, clearly forgetting the true law given to Moses by God in Sinai.[Acts 10:12]
He is also the first antisemite in the world. He forgot that it was the romans who killed Jesus and not the jewish people. He calls the jewish people murderers (The people that had been chosen as a priesthood) and he does it without regret. Peter also represents everything that is not jewish. He acts as if he was the only authority in the things of God (very similar to the present day representative of Peter) He calls the chosen people murderers and furthermore he believes that only because he drank with Jesus he is entitled to the majesty of God. Of course, Jesus was not triumphant but instead was killed.
Peter also acts as a person that was knowledgeable of the Law and the Prophets even though he was not. He pretends to be a teacher of the Law when in reality he was a poor peasant that didn’t know exactly what he was supposed to do. Peter is also the founder of a new kind of worship. He believed and taught in his “church” that the Holy Spirit was another entity apart from God. By doing this he was on a clear violation of the Jewish Law (Hear oh Israel, Hashem our Lord, Hashem is One)
There is one amazing case that we can read in the book of acts. Peter apparently had some kind of vision. In one ocasion there is a man that comes to Peter to give some of his money to the church. Peter knows that the man had kept some of the money to himself (something that is perfectly normal) and Peter, instead of being a good man, a man of truth and forgiveness, like his master had been, he uses his demonic power to kill the man and his wife. [Acts 5:1-10]
As you have read before, Peter is a man that represents truly all the characteristics of a sinner. He had greed, he was a liar, he was not humble, he was a coward (God never showed he cared for cowards and Peter certainly was one) and had true lack of faith and most importantly he was a murderer. He was confident of his own righteousness and looked down on everybody else. He exalted himself above everyone and forgot the humility taught to him by his master.
It is no wonder that the church that was founded by this man followed his ways and became in itself a killer of the holy people of God. The Christian Church (call it catholic, christian, pentecostal, charismatic, messianic etc) is founded on the teachings of this man’s ways and personality. It is the christian church that has in fact persecuted the Holy ones of Israel and has killed them. Peter really represents and portrays a man who is unholy and full of falsehood. A hypocrite who, like most of the “authorities”, thinks that he knows the truth when in reality he knows nothing.
By doing this analysis and after a series of problems I had with my fanatism, I decided to then question absolutely everything that I had been taught. This brought me back to the beginning. A beginning based on the God of God’s and not in a man idol that is being worshipped throughout the world.
There is much more to analyze about Peter. We will take a deep investigation into this figure in other future writings
As for Peter, it is very clear: He was crucified face downwards. This means that he had his mind in the world (the ground, the earth) and his feet above in the sky trying to become holy. He wanted to become a God but instead was killed in this fashion and by his death we understand that he was a false witness. I will not be deceived anymore. Will you?
The Law
After doing my “Peter Analysis” I was really amazed. I had discovered, for myself at least, that I had been deceived by an arrogant “Priest”. What if then, I asked myself, everything in the New Testament needed to go through an exhaustive analysis and research. I decided however, to go look for answers in the Old Testament instead of the New. I looked in depth and read the Bible maybe 7 or 8 times focusing only on the Chumash and the Prophets. I learned deeply about Adam, Noah, Josef and most importantly about Moses.
Moses had been a royal person born to a jewish family. He had lived in Pharaoh’s palaces and had had a wonderful life of pleasures and comfort. Despite all this comfort he could not see his jewish brothers and sisters being enslaved by the wicked egyptians. He was then commanded by God to take all his people out to freedom.
God sent through Moses 10 plagues, each of them worst than the one before and the very last one a horrible one. Pharaoh’s heart was hard and he refused each time to let the people go. He refused until the very last plague when his son was killed. This is the origin of Passover for where the angel of God saw the blood of the sacrificial lamb he “Passed over” that house.
God did wonderful things in the sight of the children of Israel but the most important thing he did was to give them a Law to act upon. God dictated this law to Moses.
It is very important to understand one thing. True Freedom came with the existence of the Law. The path of righteaousness was given to the people of Israel and it was not until then when they became truly free.
This is what has been seen throughout the ages. People who abide by the law and respect it and whose neighbors do as well are truly free. Freedom has been misunderstood specially in the last years. People believe that freedom means doing exactly whatever they feel like. They forget that there must be a Lawgiver and a Judge, both who have to be true to the Laws of the King. The knowledge of the law is what makes us free. And having a perfect law makes people perfectly free. We have seen that in those places where people do not follow the law there are murders and horrible things happening.
One of the basic and most important rules of this new law was not to have other Gods or divinities in front of Hashem. In fact this was the first commandment in the Book of Moses. But the Children of Israel disobeyed the law and made a golden calf (similar to the gods they had learned in Egypt) They disobeyed and this caused them to wonder in the dessert for 40 years.
The perfect law was given to this nation.However, they forgot for centuries to teach this law, not only to their people but also to the nations that lived among them. They did not know that they were supposed to teach the law to be free and to let the people in their midst be free as well.
The most important law in the jewish mind is and will always be: “Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One”. This is in fact the most important commandment. The first commandment given to Moses was in fact: “You shall have no other gods before me.” I sincerely do no understand why this commandment has been changed in the christian realm. I wonder sometimes if they actually read the Bible.
The Christian church worships a human-god (and sometimes two) and they honor these gods of divinities. They say that Jesus is God and sometimes that Mary, his mother, is another type of divinity. They also talk about a Holy Spirit who is another God appart from Hashem. They follow an idea very difficult to understand and extremelly ilogical and furthermore apart from the teachings of God. The idea of the Trinity is this idea that I have a problem with and it is imposible to concile with my beliefs. The answer that christians give is that this is a mystery. I personally do not accept such answers and am always trying to find a solution to an intellectual problem. The truth is that there is no trinity. That there is a God, only one and not 3 or 4 in one.
The Trinity
Many religions have a trinity. If we try to think of different religions (Except Judaism and Islam) we will find that they worship a trinity of Gods. Let’s say for example the Hindus. They believe in the Triune God Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The Greeks believed in many Gods but they thought that Zeus, Hermes and Apollo were among their main Gods. In Babylon and Egypt, they believed in a hideous concept of the trinity. They believed in a Mother that controlled the father, in the Goddess Isis or Semiramis. On the other hand they had an adoptive Son, a fatherless child who would become in time the usurper the Kingdom of his mother-father. They also believed in the Spirit of this unexistent father represented by Seb or in the Babylonian case Nimrod.
The trinity idea is clearly babylonial and has nothing to do with Jewish or Muslim thought. The idea of the Babylonian traditions were always based on sacrifice, sometimes human and sometimes that of animals or the like. In Babylonian thought there was always a necessity to appease the Goddess anger and people were always scared about the Gods because they were angry almost all the time.
In Jewish and Muslim thought however we have a God that is good to his people and loves and cares for all the creatures that He has created. There is no need for a woman Goddess because God is the ultimate creator. The Spirit of God is himself and the creatures are His sons and daughters. There is a need of sacrifice only to remind people that, because of their nature, they deserve to die. But the sacrifice had to be done in a very rigourous manner and never meant one of human flesh.
It is clear by now, I do hope, that the Christian tradition is clearly babylonical and the Christian Church is the remaining Babylonical Church. There is a God who is composed of three (and sometimes four) entities. A Father, A Son and a Holy Spirit. Each of these entities are separate but yet form one unity. Sometimes in several other traditions there is a fourth character. A mother that tells the Father what to do. In fact many christian people do believe in the intercession of the Virgin Mary before God. Furthermore they have made God human and they forget the most important commandment that says “You shall have no other Gods before me” [Exodus 20:3]. They even pray to Mary calling her “Mother of God” when it is very clear that God has no mother.
The current Babylon is dispersed throughout the World. It teaches a scripture based in man and not in the God of God’s and his servants the prophets.
When the Christian Church was accepted in the Roman Empire as the oficial church thanks to the Emperor Constantine, instead of destroying all the ancient symbols and gods and goddesses, they incorporated them into their cults. That is the case of all the Saints that exist in the Christian Pantheon. For example Saint Martin is no other than the god Mars.
The Egyptian Pantheon, as we have already seen, consisted in a trinity formed by the Goddess Isis, her son Horus and her lover Seb (these are exactly the same as Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod in Babylonical tradition). If you notice the first letters of the names of these gods where I, S, and H. The Christian Church took all the symbols they learned from the nations they had conquered and created Christian Symbols with them.
The symbol of venus’ mirror and the letters of the pagan egyptian trinity were then acquired by the babylonical-christian church.
The babylonial concept of the trinity was also somehow built in into the christian tradition and it became a dogma of faith after the Council of Nicea in 325. It is very interesting to see how this pagan concept became the Holy Trinity of the Christians.
Finally, christians believed and created a new entity that was part of God, that was independent of God but was still God. Clearly a violation of the Shema. This was the winged messenger (a dove) that acted on behalf of Zeus and in his representation. This became the entity of the Holy Spirit.
The truth is that God intended always to have a King, to appoint judges that were loyal to the King and to establish his Kingdom through his word and the perfect Law he gave to Moses.
I will believe in democracy the day they prove to me that 100 pigeons can see better than one Eagle. This is a very wise thought. It clearly points out what is obviously true. There can be thousands of votes, but these votes will never have the real value of the vote of that person who is wise and knowledgeable, who knows the law and follows it with his heart. Democracy makes everyone equal, a concept that is incorrect. How can we expect a person who has had an education, who was excellent in school and had good grades, who has worked hard in the corporate world, who makes a good living, who cares about his family, etc. be the same as a lowlife who decided not to go to school and who has absolutely no class or nobility? It simply cannot be done. And yet we see that throughout the world democracy is exalted because it makes everyone equal.
I personally do not consider that my vote should be equal to the vote of someone that has no education. The truth is that a Monarchy and Aristocracy are a more intelligent type of government. There should be one Monarch. This Monarch should be extremely well educated and know right from wrong. He should not be a despot but a man that loves his subjects and abides by the law. The law has been given so there should be no lawgivers. The King should then choose righteous men to serve as judges and form a judicial power. These men should be loyal to the King and the Land and should devote their lives to the establishment of the Kingdom and the goodness to the people. In fact we can read in Isaiah 33:22 the following: For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our King, it is he who will save us.
Monarchies throughout the world are dying. They are considered old fashion. We must be careful and not let them die. God has his annointed people, these people should take this precious position to the betterment of their subjects. It is true that there have been many monarchs lately who have acted stupidly. But a monarchy is what God intended and that is what will he will accomplish with the coming of Moshiach. One King, One Law, One Land, One God.
Back in the old days there existed a Land that was ruled by an amazing King. This King had his adviser, a man with knowledge and wisdom. This King appointed knights to serve in a Round Table and he worked for the establishment of the Kingdom. This King knew right from wrong and always chose right despite what the consequences were. This King made mistakes and worked hard to correct them. One of his mistakes became his own destruction. This King of course was Arthur.
Arthur was an outstanding individual.
Thanks to the vision of the Sorcerer Merlyn he was able to create the perfect Kingdom, the Kingdom of Camelot. Arthur was the real heir to the throne and God made sure that he was the only one that was able to draw the sword from the stone. Merlyn knew, because he was a true prophet, who was the man he had to teach the ways of the Land, of Nature and Strength. He cared for Arthur long before he was born and made sure that Uther, Arthur’s father, and Ygraine, Arthur’s mother, kept loyal to the pact they had made with him. Merlyn was a vissionary. He was a prophet that knew the outcome of the stories. Merlyn knew that Arthur deserved to die because of his mistake with his sister Morgana (he had sexual intercourse with his sister and Mordred was born, Mordred who would later become his adversary and finally his murderer).
Merlyn taught Arthur the ways of good and evil. With this knowledge Arthur became the most incredible King the world ever knew.
Arthur created an order of truth with his knights of the Round Table. The knights and the King knew that there was no one above the Law.
The Law was given and nobody was above it. The Knights knew it and the King knew it. In fact, the King had to decide the fate of his wife according to the Law. She had been untrue to him and therefore deserved to die. Arthur and Merlyn live in history as the most outstanding, wise, clever and intelligent pair that ever existed. The Kingdom of Arthur is clearly a Kingdom based in Jewish thought. There is a King, there is a Prophet, there is a court of Law that follows the Law of the Land, there is a sword that annoints the King. The Table has an empty chair that waits for the Prophet Elijah to come visit, the table has an empty chair waiting for the lost brother to come and join Jacob and his sons, a brother that is away in the Land of the Egyptians working as a slave. If we analyze the story deeply we will discover that it is a Jewish story. One that has been stolen by the forces of babylon and it’s kingdom. Do not be deceived, the story of the Grial was added long after these stories took place. The existence of a Grial does not matter because it contains no power. The power is in the Law, the Torah and our God.
The Law of our King has been given. It is in the Books of Moses. We have been given by the Lord a story that lives throughout the world, a story about a perfect kingdom, a kingdom of Gold, of true, sincerity, loyalty, honor, knighthood and peace. The Kingdom of Camelot and the Monarchy of King Arthur will live in our minds forever. Shouldn’t we go back to the beginning?
The Four Elements
God had used the 4 Elements of Creation in that first week when he made the Heavens and the Earth. He had taken Fire, Earth, Water and Air and made everything that exists today. He was satisfied with his creation. He made man from Earth and made the Sun from Fire. He also took Waters and commanded them to behave in a certain fashion. He took Air and created the Atmosphere. But most importantly he gave each and every element of creation a very distinct personality. Both Fire and Air went up to the Sky and Earth and Water descended to the Earth. There is an old story that says that from the remainder of these elements, God created a Rock and placed it in the Celtic Lands. This is the Stone where the Sword Excalibur stood before Arthur took it.
God took each element and gave them different gifts and some commands. Each element was given a different sword.
Air was to be an element of Nobility, a blue element full of aristocracy too where Kings would look upon and consider themselves righteous. Air was to be found everywhere in the world and yet he would have no government but it’s true nobility. From the Blue Air the Sky was created and Air was given Royalty. The Moshiach and all the annointed ones will always look up to the Air, with their heads straight up searching for the nobility of God and the goodness of his being. This element went up to the sky. The sword given to Air was one destined to a King.
Fire, the Red Element, would become one of Fortitude and Council. Of Strength. The Law would be established through this element. This was the element of Duty and Prophecy. Moses, God´s servant, would become then in the representative of this element on the earth. Moses saw God´s back and noticed that it was made of Fire. The Sword given to Fire was one of Prophecy and Strength.
To Earth all the Knowledge and Fear of the Lord was given. Earth was the only element with the characteristics of a true parent (both male and female). Earth was given both the Song and Justice but also the Sacrifice made for its sons. Earth was given two colors but Green was the most important one. The concept of Faith was given to Earth and all the true creatures that came through it were given this gift. Earth was precious and it was placed to the right. And God was with Earth. This element was both male and female and procreation was given to earth. The sword given was definitely one of Faith and Knowledge of the Lord.
The final Element was water. The element of water served with Happiness. It was an element that cleaned, that helped create life. It was female more than male. Very beautiful in deed. One day, it was promised, there would be fountains of chrystaline water running in every city of the world.
Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation [Isaiah 12:2]
God rested in the Sabbath and saw that everything he had created was good. The swords were placed in different places for someone with wisdom and knowledge to obtain them in the future. The future and the day of the Lord were near
The Real Messiah
The characteristics of the Messiah are understood in jewish thought quite well. If we analyze these characteristics we will realize quite soon that Yeshua did not fulfill any of the requirements of the Messiah. Yeshua is clearly not the Messiah or the Christ. He in fact was a false Messiah that introduced a new way of seeing the world that was quite contrary to the ways of the Lord. Furthermore, the Lord says in various passages that He and He alone is the saviour.
The Real Messiah is a man with Wisdom, Strength and Knowledge of the Lord. He will never say that he is God but will only be a messenger and a servant of his God. He will represent the 3 elements of holiness (Air, Fire and Earth) and will have under his command the dirty element water.
The Messiah will be a son of the line of David. This means clearly that he must have an earthly father. He is to be triumphant in everything he does. He will have a very complete knowledge of the personality of Hashem. He will both represent Salvation and Justice. Will be himself a Priest, a King and a Prophet. Isaiah says that the Messiah will bring salvation to both the Jewish people and the Nations: “It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth” [Isaiah 49:6]
The Messiah will bring Israel to rebuild the third Temple in the Holy City of Jerusalem. He will be a leader that, with Power and Strength, will make all the enemies of Israel flee from the Holy Land.
He will be against three main things: Pride will be the first one, he will hate all those that walk with a boastful and haughty spirit; secondly he will be against the Kingdom of Babylon that is represented all throughout the Earth and lastly against the worship of Idols. In fact he will declare war against the idol lovers that exist all throughout the earth and everytime he can, he will destroy them.
The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon this man of Wisdom and Knowledge. He will have a Spirit of Wisdom and Unerstanding (Air), the Spirit of Counsel and Power (Fire) and the Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord (Earth) [Isaiah 11:2]
One very important thing is that this man will not be deceived by what he sees with his eyes or what he hears with his ears. He will analyze everything that is presented to him and will judge it according to what the Lord has shown him through his word. He will be mean with the wicked people and will slay them with his speech.
This man of Wisdom and Knowledge will establish a new kind of sacrifice. A sacrifice of mercy and knowledge of God. He will, in fact, love the Lord with all his heart and with all his might and will praise him the way his father David did before. With Song and Dance. He will follow the Shema deep in his heart and will always remember it, when he rises and when he goes to bed. When he eats and when he works.
He will have a plan, this we can read it in the book of Daniel. After he is revealed transgression will be finished in the holy city. There will be an end to sin. He will atone for wickedness (Priesthood), will bring everlasting righteousness. He will seal up vision and prophecy and will finally anoint the most holy (Prophet). [Daniel 8:24]
One important thing is that he will have under his command all the forces of the world, even those forces that we consider evil. Satan will only be a servant to this man of Wisdom and Knowledge as he has always been. This man will not fear fire or death, his power will rest on his lack of fear. He will not deceive anybody. He will speak the truth always, even when this truth is not too popular with the people of the earth. In many ocassions he will not be understood until he is finally cut off. After he is cut off the world will enter into despair. After the man of Wisdom and Knowledge is cut off a man of despair will appear. He will desecrate the temple and will abolish the daily sacrifice. He will set up the abomination that will cause the desolation of the earth. Do not be deceived because these things will happen and will happen very soon.
The man of Wisdom and Knowledge will love the Torah and Israel, he will be a servant to the jewish people and for them he will work and fight. He will NEVER ask the people to worship him as god and will never say he is God. This is the way he will be recognized because he will be loyal to the Shema and Torah. Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. He will NEVER recognize another god or divinity in front of his Lord and just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, he will trust in his lord and will give up his life rather than serving or worshipping any god except his own God.
The Messianic Age calls for everyone to be like this man of Wisdom and Knowledge. To prefer death before serving other divinities than the Lord and to be knowledgeable of Tanach..
The False Messiah
We have read and hopefully understood what the characteristics of the Real Messiah are to be. It is very clear that Yeshua did not fulfill any of these characteristics. Yeshua or the man with a Greek and Roman name was a man that thought he was the Messiah. He forced the prophecies to be fulfilled (in fact he enters the Holy City riding on a donkey and thinking this fulfilled the prophecy).
Yeshua was the son of a young woman (almah). Legend says that this woman was a virgin.
Therefore Jesus had no mortal father since he was a son of a virgin. This means that the prophecy that foretells that the Messiah was to come from the tribe of David is not fulfilled in Jesus because tribal afilliation goes through the father’s line. But maybe Jesus was the son of a sinful relationship between Joseph and Mary and both of them made up a story to hide their sin, who knows.
Jesus was killed. The Christian church teaches that Jesus was killed in order to save the world. This means that the saviour is a man and not God, something that clearly contradicts the Holy Scriptures that say that Hashem and only Hashem is our saviour. Hashem is our King and our Lord, there is no one beside him.
This is something the Christian church does not teach. They place Jesus in a very high place, they even consider Jesus a god, violating the Shema (Sh’ma Israel, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad) and they do it without considering the jewishness of their faith and the Holiness of Scripture. There are even Christians who place Jesus’ mother above god and even pray to her, something that is a complete abomination to the Lord and something he despises and will destroy.
Jesus never claimed he was god. This was something that was introduced in christian thought by Peter and other followers. There was something that Jesus claimed many times. He said that he was the son of Man (Bar Adam). Because of his origin as a man, Jesus deserved to die just like everyone of us. Death is the payment for sin and we are all sinful in nature. God remembers this. Jesus did not die for our sins. We all die for our sins. Jesus is not the mediator between Hashem and us. We have a direct relationship with God through his Torah and the Prophets, we can know his personality and worship him alone. Jesus is just a man and not God. In fact, the idea that Jesus is God was established by the babylonial worship in the council of Nicea.
The Sabbath was to be holy always and Scripture says that the Sabbath is to be the most holy of days and that anyone that desecrates it faces death. Jesus claimed he was the Lord of the Sabbath and even performed his work during this day. He was in clear violation of the law.
Jesus also forgave sins several times. We all know that God alone can forgive sins. This is something that christians use to justify Jesus’ claims to be god but it is very clear that Jesus was a usurper that took the place of God. The priests of that time recognized this and gave him to the gentiles to put him to death. The priests of that time knew that Jesus was a false prophet who claimed he could forgive sins and that he was lord of the sabbath. He even said that he would rebuild the temple in three days. Instead of doing what the true Messiah is supposed to, which is to build the temple, the temple was destroyed only 40 years after his death.
Faith in Jesus took me personally into a hypocritical worship. I do not understand and no longer follow the philosophy of accepting evil done to me. I believe in a God of Strength, Force and Victory, not in a man that died because he did not follow the laws of the Lord and that is considered a man-idol-god. Christians and Muslims claim that Jesus is the Messiah but it is clear that he isn’t. Jesus is not a King and not a saviour for Scripture says “For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; it is he who will save us.” [Isaiah 33:22]
Now, considering Jesus as an older brother (not a God) and learning his good teachings is a different story
Satan, the Servant
Something I never understood as a christian was: How come God allows the existence of a strong force like Satan? The Christian Babylonical philosophy, based on old pagan religions, believes that there is an evil force in front of the Holy Lord that deceives the people and makes people sin, a force that longs to steal souls away from God.
These ideas are very old, they are based in pagan concepts that believe that there is good and evil. The truth is however that God is everything and everywhere. Satan is just a servant of the Lord that is allowed to do things according to the Lord’s will. Satan has no power in himself and must ask permission to God to do what he does. Satan has no power and is only given power according to the will of the Lord.
If we read the book of Job, we will notice right away that Satan is under the command of the Lord. Satan is not allowed to touch Job unless the Lord gives his permission to do it. Satan is just an agent of the Lord. In fact, Satan means the accusser. He is like the prosecutor that shows the sins of the people in order to have them be placed under judgement, but again, he has no power.
It is true however that there is evil in the world. The source of evil is perversion, pride and haughty spirits, hypocrisy and falsehood. The lying tongue and the false testimony are far larger evils and are hated by the Lord. Idol worship and the false babylonical religion are also sources of the despised spirits. Evil is not in dead people but resides in people that are alive.
One of the largest evils and one that must be destroyed is idol worship. Idols have been created all throughout the world and are followed by millions of people. Idols exist because of falsehood.
Hypocrisy and falsehood are the pillars of the babylonical christian religion. They follow a teacher that taught them to forgive and love their enemies and instead they have murdered them. Christians follow a worship not established by their teacher but by his followers, men like Peter who were hypocritical and false.
We must always acknowledge the importance of God and Him alone and not give any importance to His servants. Let the servants serve and follow the Lords commands.
Judas, the Betrayed Friend
Jesus had many followers. Most of his followers were common people who in fact had no education and followed only their insticts. He had however one follower who was special. This man came from the religious educated group called the Pharisees. He was in fact an extremelly educated man who was curious about Jesus and decided to follow him in order to determine if what he was doing was true or not.
Judas was a man that knew the most important commandment of them all: Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. He believed in the truth of the Torah and the Prophets and was curious as to what this man Jesus was. He pondered whether this man was the Messiah or not.
There are four Gospels that talk about the life and death of Yeshua. It is something quite interesting to compare all four of these gospels and see that each of them contain very important contradictions among themselves. This is quite important because it means that the truth of the life of Yeshua can be certainly questioned, unlike the Torah and the Prophets. This allows us to be very careful when we try to read the New Testament as if it were the word of God. There is in fact a fifth Gospel. This Gospel has been shown all throughout the world and it is the Gospel according to Lloyd Weber and Rice. The show JesusChrist Superstar certainly talks about the humanity of Jesus and the falsehood he represented. It also talks about the betrayed friend Judas, a Pharisee that recognized the signs of falsehood that his master was teaching and one that did what he thought was the best thing to stop this.
In Matthew 26:50 Jesus says to Judas: “Friend, do what you came for”. This is really a very important passage and the whole involvement of Judas in the last days of Jesus is important. Judas as a good Jewish person knew that his master was doing wrong in teaching things that went against the Law. Why does Jesus call Judas his friend? Maybe it was because Jesus knew that what he was doing was wrong and knew he needed to die for his amazing sin which is proclaiming himself God. Jesus calls Judas friend because unlike Peter and all those other false followers, Judas knew deep in his heart the truth of the Law of the Lord and decides to give him to the religious authorities of the time. Judas was not the betrayer but was betrayed himself by Jesus. He never thought that his master was going to be killed but only thought that he would be brought to his senses. He even betrays him with a kiss.
Roman and Babylonical culture have declared Judas a lowlife when in reality it is he who represented the law and had an impostor given to the authorities. In fact, Jesus himself declared that it would be easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the last stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law [Luke 16:16-17]. This means, I believe, that Jesus knew he was wrong and that he was creating a whole new approach to the things of God, one that would eventually declare him God as well, one that was based on the hypocritical feelings of his followers and one that would mean the destruction of everything that is Jewish. Jesus knew this and instead of keeping deceiving people he commands his most true follower (Judas) to go ahead and turn him to the authorities.
Jesus says nothing in front of the authorities because he knows he was wrong. He is put to death just as the law says a false prophet should be put to death. At the end of everything, it is the law that matters and not the life of a deceitful man.
Judas was betrayed because, after doing what he was supposed to do, he feels he carries with the blood of Jesus. Judas instead of going to the religious authorities decides to kill himself.
Judas is and has been hated all throughout the centuries when in reality it was only him who was following the true will of the Lord. We should all follow the will of our Lord which is summarized in a few things: To believe in God and in Him alone, to destroy idols and to stop being haughty and false. We are also called to give to the poor and to do good deeds in order to deserve the Kingdom to come.
Christianity is in reality a religion of falsehood and hypocrisy. We should go back to the beginning and learn from the teachers of the law and the real royal priesthood that comes from King David himself. The priesthood of the Jewish People.
Paul, the creator of a false religion
Paul was a teacher of the Law. He knew deep in his heart that the religion he followed was the truth. He persecuted all the jewish followers of Jesus and did it with all his might. One day, on the road to the city of Damascus, he had a revelation, he was blinded by this revelation and believed that it came from Jesus himself. After that Paul used all the power and knowledge he had to write and create a religion. Not a religion based in God and in his laws but a religion based in his own opinions and his personal views of the world. He was amazingly successful. It is funny to realize that this man Paul never knew Jesus himself and yet he was called an Apostle. Paul wrote several letters to the christian churches that had emerged in the Roman Empire. They are in fact 14 letters. These letters are considered the word of God by the christian church and most of their beliefs are based in them.
These letters are well written and have a good foundation in themselves but I do not believe they are the word of God as the writings of the prophets really are.
Paul was an arrogant person, one that believed that he alone had the truth and that only him was capable of interpreting the Law. He believed that his views were the only ones that were accepted by God and tried to enforce them directly in the minds of the followers. Paul was in fact the first Jew for Jesus that existed. Like the Jews for Jesus group, he believed that all the prophecies had been fulfilled with Jesus (when in fact they weren’t and haven’t) and was creator of a whole new concept of God, one that put Jesus in the center of the stage and placed God to a second position.
God in fact has never and will never change. God is one and only He is our Saviour. He repeats this many times in Scripture and yet there are thousands of people that deny this. They believe in a man with a Greek and Roman name, taught by two false witnesses (Peter and Paul) and have placed the one and only God in a second position.
The Spirit of the Lord vs the Holy Spirit
When I became a “Born Again Christian” I experienced a very unique and weird situation. I do not know where it came from but it was a kind of trance. Everybody around me was praying using strange words and placing their hands on top of me. I started mumbling something that I had no idea what it was. It was like I had entered a psicological trance due to the extreme fanatism I had been involved in. This happened almost 15 years ago. Fortunately I did not keep going to that church. I believe now that such situations are only a deceiving way to understand the things of God.
I went to college and in college I tried not to hang around the “Christian” groups. They were nice to me however. I concentrated on the things of science and math and focused all my strength in the establishment of my fraternity chapter on campus. After my graduation I went to Chicago and started attending a “Born Again Christian” church once again. I have to accept that I found friends in this church, the only problem was and is still when I started to become a real fanatic of the man with a Greek and Roman name (JesusChrist). I became such a fanatic I started centering and focusing all my activities around the church and everything I did was done thanks to “the Holy Ghost that lived inside me”, none of my actions were wrong because I had the Holy Spirit residing on me. In fact this is one of the teachings of the Pentecostal churches and I have seen people that act in very weird ways and saying that the Holy Spirit was telling them to do it.
I sincerely doubt that the Holy Spirit resides in everyone after they are “Baptized in the Spirit”. The way to act accordingly to the Spirit of the Lord is to really and sincerely learn and study the Tanach. There are things which we might not agree but yet we have to follow the commandments of the Lord, whether we like it or not.
The famous “Speaking in Toungues” first exam is nothing but collective madness. I can assure this because it happened to me. I started mumbling things which I had no idea what they meant. I heard the story that when we speak in toungues our spirit is talking directly to God and it is a language that the Devil does not understand. Well, first of all the Devil has no power over the true followers of God and second I do not want to be speaking things when I have no idea what I am saying.
The book of Acts is based on this teaching of the famous Holy Spirit. The arrogant and stupid Peter thinks he is above everyone he encounters. He uses “the Spirit” to condemn the Jewish people accusing them of killing Jesus, he repeats this many times. He also uses “the Spirit” to murder a follower and his wife and does it without regret. This spirit was no other than his own spirit since he didn’t know too much about the Spirit of God. He had no idea because he was a person without any kind of education and instruction.
The Spirit of God or the Spirit of the Lord is not another person in God himself, remember that God is one and one alone. The Spirit of God is the knowledge of Him and the acting according to his will presented to us in the Holy Scriptures. His character will never and has never changed. The Spirit of the Lord is just His magnificent personality, likes and dislikes. One that is not haughty, one that follows the One and only God, one that destroys idols and one that is generous to the poor is following the will of God and has the Spirit of God residing in himself. This person will NEVER boast that he is God. NEVER be fooled, someone that boasts that He or She is God has the Spirit of Despair residing in him or herself. NEVER follow such a person and NEVER believe his or her deceitful lies.
May Hashem, blessed be He, teach his Spirit to all those that are eager to follow Him. Let the prophecies be fullfilled in our lifetime and may the Spirit of the Lord guide us in this endeavour.
The Babylonical Christian Church has made us believe, including the Protestants, that there are Saints in Heaven and that we can pray directly to them in order to have our prayers heard by God. The Babylonical Christian church has also deceived it’s followers by telling them to pray to the death spirits, something that is clearly forbidden in the laws of God. The Babylonical Christian Church has also taught us that Cannibalism and Vampirism are both attitudes that are needed in order to be holy. The idea of eating a god is very old, it comes from the pagan traditions that say that eating the flesh and drinking the blood of a divinity would bring people closer to it. It is a sacrament that is clearly of pagan origins and one that we should move away if we want to remain holy.
Christians are very funny. They accept the idea of being cannibals and vampires and yet are bigots when it comes to judging people that happen to be homosexual. Being holy does not mean that we must criticize and judge others according to what we think they are supposed to be. Being holy does however call to teach the truth and abide by it. Being holy means that we should teach the truths of God, the uniqueness of His being and let the Spirit of truth do the judging. Maybe a person is a homosexual because he loves someone of his same sex. It is true that a homosexual relationship is forbidden by the laws given to Moses but the judgement is supposed to come directly from the Spirit of God to that particular person and not from others who might have their own sins to worry about.
Homosexuality is not a choice, it is something that I believe is innate in some people. It is a worse sin, I believe, to act according to one’s own personal desires and hide the truth, something that the Babylonical Christian Church and other so called Christian Churches have done throughout the centuries.
Holiness resides in knowing the truth and acting according to it. It does not require a human certificate called a canonization or something of the like. It would never never require the acceptance of a human figure who is clearly a false and hypocrite person who follows the teachings of two false witnesses (Peter and Paul) and who acts against the Holy ones of Israel and the Prophets.
Being holy also means that one should repent of one’s sins and sin no more, but again, judgement shall come directly from the knowledge of God and his word and not from bigots who claim they are holy but yet lie or act in some way that is not sincere.
It is better not to call names but we all have known people or celebrities that have acted with a sinful spirit but using the name of God in their actions. Falsehood is what God hates much more than any other sin (except arrogance). There have been popes who in the name of God have killed the Holy ones of Israel. This is what will be destroyed some day, the arrogance of those people that believe that because of their works they have achieved some kind of authority and use this authority to become richer or more famous.
Like the real Messiah, we should focus on being Holy, accepting the word of God written in the Tanach and studying with the jewish teachers. The Jewish teachers should in turn accept that they have been chosen to teach the real personality of God to the Nations and Israel and stop hiding from the Gentile crowd, specially those noahides who are eager to learn more about God
Acting according to the true Spirit of the Lord, learning and teaching, being generous to the poor and letting God do the judging and not us is what being Holy means. We do not need any authority to certify our holiness, in fact we should achieve holiness and not brag about it.
We are not capable of judging because we have a sinful nature and we shall all die because of this nature. May Hashem manifest Himself soon and send His Holy Moshiach to teach the ways of the Lord.
I attended a couple of months ago a Bar Mitzvah. I am not jewish so I cherish every time I have the opportunity to attend one of these services because of how beautiful they are. A young boy is summoned by the elders and the rabbis to read from the Holy Torah. The Bar Mitzvah I recently attended was wonderful, the young boy did a wonderful job reading in Hebrew and showing to the attendants that now he is capable of taking the responsibilities of a grown jewish man. In other words this young man has become a knight and as such, he should be capable of defending his people and his beliefs. Bar Mitzvoth are the most wonderful religious ceremonies I have ever had the pleasure to attend.
Catholics also have some kind of initiation ceremony. It is the first cannibalistic and vampiric communion. The first time kids are taken to the pagan altar to eat their god and become like him receiving the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the third person of a triune god. Christians have the “talking in tongues” baptism where people start babbling weird sentences. They call it the “Baptism in the Holy Spirit”. But these are pagan initiation ceremonies and ones that should be avoided according to the word of the Lord.
Nothing like the jewish Bar Mitzvoth. This is a masculine initiation ceremony that takes the man into a deeper level of understanding with and about God. It is the only ceremony that has a similar identification with medieval times ceremonies.
Back in medieval times, a knight usually had with him a squire. A young man that would follow him everywhere he went and would assist him in his endeavors. Everything in those times was ceremonial. A young page would never become a squire if he hadn’t undergone the necessary steps to become one. The same thing happened when the squire wanted to become a knight. Life was full of ceremonial acts that showed clearly, without a doubt, that one had developed into a brighter and stronger man.
In the last years we have forgotten these ceremonies and we consider them antique and old fashion. It is sad to see how male kids grow without the needed approach with their fathers, this due to the cultural separation between men. But a masculine ceremony is one that is necessary in these old days. I believe that God longs for his children to know Him, He longs for the fathers to teach the masculine kids the things of God. He longs for ceremony and growth. I once read in a book that true men reject passivity, they are active and long for action. This makes of them good judges of character. True men should never be guided by sex and always consider that while sex is wonderful, there are many more things that matter much more in a relationship.
I had the wonderful experience to be part of a fraternity that does have in it’s core a ceremonial event. These events are secret and I have sworn not to reveal any of them but I can tell you that the bond that was created with my brothers was so much greater than without having one. I true man stands in truth, even if this truth means that he will be hated or destroyed. A true man believes in God and learns about His ways and His personality. A true man is not a coward but he does not fight when it is not necessary. A true man studies and learns and is eager to grow both spiritually and intellectually. A true man knows the law of God and teaches his family to follow this law. A true man can either be a true Jewish man or a true Noahide who knows what is better for him and his family. A true man never stands in falsehood and accepts the authority placed over him by God, always.
I am fortunate to have a sister. A sister is a true gift from God. A person that cares for you and loves you. A person who cares about your goings and comings and someone who has her own opinion about your actions and does not care telling you them. Sisters can be beautiful human beings who will take care of their siblings with their hearts.
Despite the fact that she was catholic, Mother Theresa was a true sister. Someone that cared about others and gave her life for them. In fact, I consider true sisterhood is the only non hypocritical way of being a Christian. Pride and arrogance do not exist in true sisterhood. True sisters do not follow their lustful ways in order to achieve what they want. They love without asking anything in return. The real beauty of a true sister is in her heart and not in her looks or her riches.
A friend of mine once told me that in a godly relationship between a man and a woman, the man should be the minister of the exterior while the woman (or sister) is the minister of the interior. These are the reasons why a woman who cares for her family, who keeps the house in order, who rules over the servants, who teaches the children and who is happy doing it is following the laws of the Lord. A true woman must be a beautiful sister.
It is not wrong to choose this path in life and the path of caring and keeping the family is not one that degrades women. It is one that exalts her. We can all imagine a beautiful grandma who cares for the grandchildren and takes care of them. Success for a woman should focus on teaching and growing a great family and not being the richest or the most influential of her company.
Of course women have great qualities in the workforce and they have a lot to say and do. But if this interferes in her God-given task of keeping a family or if they do it for pride and honor, then this is not a Holy way to act. In Judaism, it is the woman who has the holy responsibility of lighting the candles. It is her who teaches the children the ways of God and takes care of them until they are old enough to be responsible. Women in Judaism and noahidism are not second degree citizens like they are in the Muslim world. They serve a purpose and do it happily. May Hashem bless women who act like beautiful sisters always.
The Horrible Monster
Unlike sisters, there are terrible and horrible monsters. These monsters exist because of their haughty terrible spirit. These monsters do not care about others and tend to do everything to feed their Pride. These monsters are arrogant. Yes, they are haughty, prideful and arrogant females.
There is one arrogant female entity and whore who has taken the place of God. This is the Babylonical Cult to the Queen of the Sky, no other than Mary. I believe that the spirit of falsehood resides in her. Most of the followers of the Queen of the Sky are following a wrong cult, and a cult that is totally despised by the Lord of Hosts. The Lord will in fact send his Armies in these late days to destroy the idol worship of Mary. This is what we, as followers of the Lord should focus on doing. Down with the Queen of the Sky and Stars, down with Pride and Arrogance.
Women that believe that because of their beautiful looks or lustful ways they deserve the best in life are wrong. Kings should be good, true to their wifes and should give protection to their people. Princesses are to be in charge of the Castle and rule over the servants. Of course there are to be women in the matters of trade but these must be true sisters who care about other people and not arrogant ladies who are only interested in bosing everyone around.
I believe deep in my heart that the Babylonial False Kingdom will have a Princess or a Queen as a ruler. This Queen will be disguised in her beauty and her “good heart” while she in fact will be a fake creature that only wants to keep people away from God.
May Hashem destroy haughty women NOW and FOREVER.
The Weak Idiot
Any man who lets himself to be controlled by his sexual desire is what I call a weak idiot. This type of man does not have enough will and personality to stand for what he believes, this is maybe because this type of man seldomly thinks and is always controlled specially by women.
The Babylonical cult has made us believe that God the Son is controlled by his mother because she is the one that can interfere with God on his behalf. The Babylonical cult has also tried, with a lot of success unfortunately, to make us believe that this godess is in charge. This church has created therefore weak idiots who have lost the authority that belongs to them and who lets the prideful females control him.
This is very sad, very sad. Men have lost all sense of force and masculinity and specially knighthood. I just ask those men that are trapped in a relationship where they act as weak idiots to wake up and become the real force and strength of the family and the relationship. Of course this doesn’t mean that they should act as real arrogant assholes who believe they are in control of everything and that are prideful and “macho”. Do not be like the false Peter who used the power given to him to cause despair and death.
Men, stop being water and become earth and fire. Learn the things of our Lord the way it must be and teach your sons to be great knights and your daughters true sisters. Become strong in what you are, not macho but a real man. One that knows the things of God and that focuses on being holy.
Remember the Biblical characters that were deceived by arrogant women. Remember both Adam and Samson. Be strong of character and a true man, one that the Lord will be proud of.
The Babylonical Christian Church
Christianity is a hypocritical philosophy and religion. The teacher of Christianity was not a Messiah therefore Christianity is a false name in itself. Jesus however taught many things that the current christians do not do and furthermore, have never done in the past. He taught to love the enemies. Christians have never followed most of the teachings of Jesus. They do however tend to follow the teachings of two other false witnesses of the faith. Namely they are Peter and Paul. We have analyzed the figure of Peter. A man who was very arrogant and who used the faith of the original christians in order to establish a worship to himself.
We also saw how Paul was the creator of a false religion. Paul was a very intelligent man who had a very defined point of view of the things of God. But Paul was not a prophet, therefore the epistles that he wrote to the different churches are not the Word of God, they are just letters written in order to show the people how to act according to a man’s point of view and not God’s. Both of these false witnesses created a religion of falsehood. The Patriarchs of Christianity are not Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They are two false witnesses who think they know the truth and have, with arrogance, created a false religion, one that will take the world into despair.
Seriously, have you ever found a Christian true to the teachings of Jesus? The representative of Jesus in earth is the pope. Have you ever found such a hypocritical individual ever? The pope takes the place of Jesus in earth but he is not true to his teachings. He is arrogant, expects the best seats in the churches, acts as if he were the only authority and furthermore, steals the authority of God to say who is Holy and who isn’t. The pope, just as the old babylonical priests, wears clothing made of fine material, he and his followers wear a hat that is reminiscent of the old pagan traditions where the priests wore clothing that resembled fish.
We have also seen how the concept of the trinity is clearly a pagan one. The trinity or the idea of three gods in one is contrary to the teachings of Hashem in the Tanach. The son (if there is one) is not god because there is only ONE GOD. The Holy Spirit is just the Spirit of God that we can learn from studying the Tanach. We do not “have the Holy Spirit residing on ourselves” and sometimes acting in the Spirit of God goes against the established thoughts or activities in our society.
Christianity is a selfish religion. Instead of acknowledging God as the ultimate force, christians have made god into a human being. They accept a sacrificed god to get saved. Why would god sacrifice himself for his creatures? It is all the way around. We are to pay for our sins with our death, there is no sacrifice that can pay for this. God does not sacrifice himself for his creatures, he doesn’t even need our sacrifices. Sacrifices were created so we would acknowledge God’s awesome being.
Jesus was a Babylonical Messiah. Just as the god Horus in Egyptian Pagan tradition, or Tammuz in Babylonical, Jesus was born of a virgin mother (Isis of Semiramis), he was sacrificed to appease the Gods anger, he was sent to the world to become the Sun God, and he was resurrected. Jesus existence is clearly pagan. There is a very interesting article called the J-Myth that talks about the paganism of Christianity and Jesus. In fact, both Horus and Mithra were born the 25th of December. All these pagan deities performed miracles, they had disciples and some of them were called Messiahs and sons of god.
Christianity has also placed Mary in a position next to God. Many christians, specially catholics, pray to Mary. They claim that this female deity is “The Mother of God”, clearly an abomination to the teachings of Hashem. Worship of Mary is not taught in the New or the Old Testaments. It is not written in the Koran. These teachings are just ways that the christian church has taught in order to incorporate the old pagan traditions into their own beliefs. But they are abominations and will some day be destroyed.
Jesus also represented the element water, the only element of creation that is dirty. He represented this element with blood and sweat. It was a water being that was of course destroyed because of his false teachings.
Jesus in fact used leavened bread in the Passover last supper (doing this against the teachings of Pessach), he also converted the wine into blood with magic, something that is clearly an abomination to the Lord. There are many things that Jesus did (forgiving sins, working on the Sabbath) and many many more things that were done in his name later on (The Inquisition, the Cruzades etc) that deserved his destruction. Hashem would never allow these things to happen and that was the reason why Jesus was destroyed.
Also, Rome, the city of 7 hills, took the place of the Holy City of Jerusalem. Rome was a place where a lot of babylonial traditions were followed. Rome, during it’s history, took the babylonial traditions of the people they conquered instead of following the teachings of the Tanach to destroy the teachings of the pagan people. Rome is Egypt. A huge Obelisc stands in the center of the Saint Peter Basillica. The High Priest is called Pontifix Maximus (the old pagan priest). Many of the catholic priests acts as if they were the only authority in terms of God when it is true that they know little about the Tanach and the teachings of the Spirit of God.
Christianity also prays to the dead (this is prohibited in the Tanach). They do as the pagans and teach that one of the easy ways to turn to God is to have the dead people (i.e. saints, virgins etc) to intercede for them. They do not understand that God has given his word to the people that read and study it in order to be saved. There are no extra divinities next to Hashem. Hashem our Lord, Hashem is One. The cult to the dead is clearly babylonial and shall be destroyed in time.
Christianity also places the Sun God (the Son) next to the Father Sun. They pray to three entities instead of one. The cult of the Sun is represented in the Holy of Holies according to them. The Eucharist takes the form of a solar divinity and christians pray to it and bow before it. This is clearly and without a doubt idol worship. They also use the Chalice of Despair, a golden chalice that represents the blood of Jesus and drink his blood like vampires and eat his flesh like cannibals. They eat their god to become like him, this is the original symbol behind all this.
Another babylonia infiltration has been the idea of good and evil fighting each other in the world. There is evil in the world, evil resides in haughty and arrogant people. But the goodness of God will only destroy these spirits. There is no evil force equal to the Lord of Lords. Evil is necessary to destroy anything that is not holy. God uses evil for his own purposes. Satan is not in front of God mocking and making fun of Him. God allows evil for the greater good.
Christianity has no unity. There are multiple denominations that call themselves christian. Instead of showing love for each other these denominations criticize each other constantly and boast that they all have the truth. They act hypocritically and call each other names instead of showing an understanding for each other. Some of these denominations boast that they have the Holy Spirit residing on them and act foolishly. Christians are bigots with Homosexual Men and dare to judge them instead of loving them like their Lord taught them. Some of the Christian denominations consider themselves the true Israel when in fact Israel is one and only one. Hashem will never change his ways.
Christians follow the sign of death. The sign of the cross is the sign of death. Death on a cross was roman. Christians “bless” themselves by doing the sign of the cross when in reality they are telling each other that they are nothing. There is one festival called the Ash Wednesday where a sign of death is placed on the foreheads of the people. The priests say to them “You are nothing” and place this sign. This is a reminder to all those followers that they mean nothing to god, that they shall be destroyed. All the followers of the sign of death shall be destroyed and will be nothing.
I am glad I have found the truth in Hashem and that He has revealed all these truths to me in time. I pray that you reader shall consider learning more about your faith and acknowledge finally that the Lord’s salvation is true. The Savior is Hashem, he is One and only One. There is no other saviour beside Him. Christianity will only take people into despair and idol worship. Turn back to the Lord and be Holy.
Judaism really felt like the only way to be spiritually advanced after I found all the falsehood in christianity. Unfortunatelly to be a jewish convert one must go through a very serious conversion process where one is commited to follow 613 commandments or mitzvoth. It is really a total change of life and such a change is quite difficult, specially in the situation I was currently living. I studied a lot about judaism (on my own) They believe in the one and true God. They have wonderful festivals and acknowledge the Lord in every thing they do. Jewish people have all been beautiful people with me. I interact with quite a few of them in my business and have very dear friends as well.
Unfortunatelly, they keep their faith and their teachings to themselves most of the time. This was the reason why I was discouraged by some rabbis when I was interested in going through the conversion process.
The story of Arthur and Merlyn is clearly based in Judaic philosophy although I think that it was delivered to the Gentile people.
This is what the Lord Almighty says: “In those days ten men from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say: “Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you” [Zac 8:23]
It was really amazing to discover all the falsehood that I had been taught, specially in Christianity. Christianity was just another way of idol worship and all Christians accept it because that is what they thought was righteous. But in reality there is a path of a righteous Gentile or the path of a Child of Noah.
God is not a very demanding God. He has established two pacts with His creation. One with the Children of Israel and one with the Children of Noah. The laws demanded to the children of Israel are being followed by the Orthodox Jews and this is the path for the creation of a Kingdom of Priests. In order to become a Jew as a Gentile it is necessary to make contact with an Orthodox Rabbi and follow all 613 Mitzvoth that the law asks. But to be a Righteous Gentile only 7 commandments are necessary.
I was extremelly happy when I learned about the Path of the Righteous Gentile. My life and the extreme disappointment I encountered in Christianity took me to a point where I only found conversion to judaism as the only way to be spiritual.
Noahidism is based on the 7 Mitzvoth that were given to humanity, first to Adam and later to Noah. FInally I had found what the plan of God always was, and it was to teach all the Gentile people of the world the truth about His Unique Being and the Righteous way to be Good and prosper.
The Seven laws are:
1. Prohibition to Commit Murder 2. Prohibition to follow Idolatry 3. Prohibition to Blaspheme the Name of the Lord 4. Prohibition to commit theft 5. Prohibition of Illicit Sexual Relations 6. Prohibition of Eating the Flesh of a living animal 7. To establish Courts of Law to govern the land
The path that the Lord asks of the Nations is one very simple to follow. He is a loving God and he does not require any type of sacrifice from us, just the acknowledgement that He is our God and that we love Him over all things. Do not be deceived by people that tell you that in order to be close to God we need to pray to other intermediaries. God is searching for His people, from Israel and from the Nations. He is eager to teach His Spirit to all who are sincere in learning. He has no companion and He alone is our Saviour. Just as He appeared to Moses in Mount Sinai He desires all people to learn His ways and His truths.
I suggest Noahides should have something that would distinguish them from all the other Gentile peoples. First of all Noahides should have a flag. A proposed design for the Noahide Flag, will contain the Star of David which represents our total commitment to Israel and her Holy Ones. Also it will contain 3 colours, being the blue colour the colour of Royalty and Salvation, the Red of Strength and Force and the Green of Song, Knowledge and Fear of the Lord. (Behold, the Lord is my Salvation, I will walk and will not be afraid, for the Lord my God is my Strength and my Song, He also has become my Salvation) [Isaiah 12:2]
One of the most important and relevant things that overcoming a serious fanatism problem was that after learning from it, I was now able to study with open eyes many other things that before seemed “evil” or “satanic”. The search I went through was interesting and wonderful. I started studying some of the pagan religions that basically consider the existence of several Gods and Goddesses. Being a true monotheist I have tried to take the best things of paganism following the teachings that Hashem gave to the Gentile people and still follow a religious path that considers nature as a representation of the Divine.
The seven precepts that God gave to Noah clearly teach us the reality of God’s being and furthermore, they are not difficult to follow. So the next step in my life was to find a path that would be both spiritually rich and would reflect the goodness that the Lord had shown me.
One God, one King, one Sword, one Land and one Prophet. Druids were the prophets of lore. A Patriarchal Teocracy who believed in the representation of the divinity in nature. They looked into attaining knowledge and wisdom by being in tune with nature as well as the study of many topics. Merlyn himself was a Druid and he worked with Arthur for the establishment of the Kingdom in England. Merlyn was a prophet, it is my personal belief that he was a prophet to the Gentile people and taught them and us how to become one with nature and God.
Druids, like ancient hebrews, performed ritual sacrifice (Sacrifice means in latin To make Sacred). These sacrifices must take place again in the newly rebuilt temple. Druids were of high class. Men that had high social status equalled to that of the nobility.
Their rituals were made among several people. There was no major figure and as Arthur and Merlyn’s Round Table, all people were participant of the ritual.
Noahide Druidism is the path I decided to take in my life. The basic beliefs are:
God is manifested in nature
God’s will is always shown and must be known through His spirit
God asks for ritual sacrifice to be performed in His Temple
We strife to attain knowledge and wisdom
Manhood and Fatherhood are important values
Purpose in life is to attain as much knowledge and wisdom as possible by both studying the Tanach and the other World Scrolls judging everything in accordance to the Spirit of the Lord and keeping a close relationship with nature.
The Earth is androginous, not female nor male
There is no evil just lesser good
Falsehood and Hypocrisy are despised
There are no specific holidays although we as gentiles are constantly aware of the jewish holidays and calendar
God has made the heavenly hosts for His own purpose and desires.
We can learn the best of Jesus without considering him a God.
This faith is non dogmatic, patriarchal. It allows its followers to attain knowledge and wisdom thanks to a scientific, artistic and ecological context. All those evil beings shall be completelly destroyed or become slaves and servants.
The Hopeful Future
I think that the best times are yet to come. Humanity has to recognize that we have a Father who takes care of us and who is One and Only One. Jewish people have learned this throughout their history but they have failed to teach it to the Gentile crowd. I believe that we have to focus on being one with God and with His representation in Nature. There is a new cosmological evolution approaching, one where evil, haughty and evil people will never arrive. All the questions will be answered, the world will be a giant garden full with flowers and pain and sorrow will not exist because all the evil will be destroyed. People will know their God and will play in the Gardens like young people do. I pray that this future will be here soon. Reader, I urge you to believe in One God, not in a Trinity and not in a bunch of lesser gods. He alone wants to be our father and wants to spoil us. He alone is the true giver and bestows blessings upon everyone that follows Him.
May Hashem Bless you and Keep you, Hashem let his face shine upon you. And be gratious unto you. Hashem lift up His Countenance and give you Shalom. Amen Forever.
Shema Israel Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad